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Dedicated to Infant Jesus










Holy Trinity Church

(Infant Jesus Shrine)


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Praying.gifPrayer In Sickness

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O merciful Infant Jesus, I know of Your compassion to the sick. During Your blessed life on earth Your gentle touch cured the sick, the crippled and all those tormented with incurable diseases. Thousands who flock to Your miraculous image ascribe to You their recovery and deliverance from most painful and hopeless maladies. I know, indeed, that I, a sinner, have merited my sufferings and have no right for favours at Your hands. But because of the innumerable graces and the miraculous cures granted even to the greatest sinner through the intercession of Your holy Infancy. I am doubly confident You cure me. O Heavenly physician, if it be Your will that I recover from this present illness............do extend Your most holy hands. Take away all pain and infirmity so that my recovery may be due, not to natural remedies but Your Almighty power alone.

If, however, You in Your inscrutable wisdom have willed otherwise, at least restore my soul to perfect health. While I endure the pains of sickness, let the sweet balm Your consolation flow over me to fill me with sublime through that all earthly pain in short-lived. Grant me, O merciful and loving Infant Jesus, courage to endure and to resign to Your will. Shower on me Your blessings that I may be like You, O Jesus in my sufferings. On my sick-bed, may I glorify Your providence until You bestow on me eternal life. - Amen.

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Holy Trinity Church
(Infant Jesus Shrine)

Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

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