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Holy Trinity Church

(Infant Jesus Shrine)


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Praying.gifPrayer of Father Cyrillus A Marie Dei

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Jesus, to You I flee, through Your Mother praying You, in my need to succour me, Truly, I believe You are God with strength to shield me; full of trust, I hope in You that Your grace, You will give me, All my heart I give You will give me. All my heart I give to You, therefore, do my sins repent me; from them breaking, I beseech You Jesus, from their bonds to free me. Firm my purpose is to mend me; never more will offend You. Wholly unto You to serve eternally. And my neighbour like to me, I will love for love of You. Little Jesus, I beseech You, in my need to succour me, that with Joseph and Mary the angles, I will enjoy You eternally. - Amen.

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Holy Trinity Church
(Infant Jesus Shrine)

Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

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