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Dedicated to Infant Jesus










Holy Trinity Church

(Infant Jesus Shrine)


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Praying.gifPrayer to Infant Jesus in Preparation for mass

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O Divine Child Jesus;
As You called the shepherds
to Your crib by Your holy angels,
and the wise men
by a wonderful star,
so You call me today
to the adoration of Your divinity and humanity,
to the holy sacrifice of the Mass.
The Three Kings offered
gold, incense and myrrh;
I, however, offer You
to Your heavenly Father
(for You and mine),
through the hands of the priest
just as You offered Yourself to him
lying in the crib, a poor, helpless child.
I unite my intention with the intention
of the priest and the whole Catholic Church
and will assist at this Holy Mass with the
greatest devotion, to Your honour, in
memory of Your bitter suffering which
began in the stable of Bethlehem I offer
it in thanksgiving for all the good I have
received as atonement for my many sins
and negligence and finally to obtain Your
assistance, most gracious Infant, in my
necessities, especially in this need
(Here mention Your intention)

I unite this sacrifice of the Mass with
the bloody sacrifice which You offered on
the cross. I offer it for myself, for all my
relatives, friends and benefactors, living
and dead, for the spiritual and civil authorities,
and for all mankind.

Graciously accept this sacrifice, O most
kind Father and Lord, and here my prayers
through Your beloved Son, who became a
little child and let himself be laid in a crib

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Holy Trinity Church
(Infant Jesus Shrine)

Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

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