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Dedicated to Infant Jesus










Holy Trinity Church

(Infant Jesus Shrine)

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Praying.gifNovena Prayer

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O tender, loving Jesus, Your greatest joy is to dwell among us and bestow blessings upon us. Though I am not worthy that You should behold me with love. I feel myself drawn to You, dear Infant Jesus, because You gladly pardon me and exercise your almighty power over me.

So, many who turned with confidence to You have received graces and had their petitions granted Behold, I kneel before Your miraculous image on Your alter, and petitions and hopes... I entrust especially to Your loving heart.

(Mention your petition)

Govern me and do with me and mine according to Your holy will, for I know in Your divine wisdom and love You will ordain everything for the best. Almighty gracious Infant Jesus, do not withdraw Your hand from us, but protect and bless us for ever.

I pray You, sweetest Infant, in the name of Your Blessed Mother Mary, who cared for You with such tenderness and by the great reverence with which St. Joseph carried You in his arms, comfort me and make me happy, that I may bless and thank You forever with all my heart. Amen

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Holy Trinity Church
(Infant Jesus Shrine)

Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

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