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Dedicated to Infant Jesus










Holy Trinity Church

(Infant Jesus Shrine)


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Praying.gifInfant Jesus Rosary

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The Rosary is composed of three times the "Our Father" to honour the Holy Family; twelve times the "Hail Mary" in memory of the twelve years of the Saviour's childhood and three times the "Glory be" in honour of the Holy Trinity. Each of the "Our Father" is preceded by these words;
"And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us", and each of the "Glory be" by these words :
"Holy Child Jesus, bless us and grant us our petitions".
The mysteries of the Holy Childhood which are to be said before each "Hail Mary".


1.  The Incarnation			Hail Mary etc.
2.  The Visitation			     "
3.  The Nativity	         		     "	
4.  The Adoration of			     "
5.  The Circumcision			     "
6.  The Adoration of the
    Wise men				     "
7.  The Presentation			     "
8.  The Flight to Egypt			     "	
9.  The Sojourn in Egypt		     "	
10. The Return from Egypt		     "
11. The Life of Jesus 
    at Nazareth				     "	
12. Jesus in the midst
    of the doctors			     "


O Holy Child Jesus, Whose omnipotence is manifested in a wonderful manner and Whose miraculous Hand raised in benediction, fills us with all blessings, graciously deign to hear all who call upon you with confidence. - Amen.

The Infant Jesus deigned to make known to His faithful servant venerable Margarat how pleasing is this holy practice to Him. He promised to grant special graces above all, that of purity and innocence to those who carry this chaplet with devotion and recite it in honour of the mysteries of His Holy Infancy.

Pious parents, do you wish to preserve the baptismal innocence of your children ? Inspire them with a tender devotion, make them carry and recite this chaplet with devotion, calling on their divine mode, whom they should love and imitate.

(300 days indulgence for the recitation of this little Rosary)

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Holy Trinity Church
(Infant Jesus Shrine)

Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

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