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Dedicated to Infant Jesus










Holy Trinity Church

(Infant Jesus Shrine)


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Praying.gifPrayer Of Intercession (Petitions)

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1. Infant Jesus: Bless our home, may our family become like Holy Family obedient to Him in everything we pray to you Lord.
All : Infant Jesus (Hear our prayer) Bless our home.

2. Infant Jesus: Bless our home, may each member of our family work hard and be able to enjoy the fruits of our labour; We pray to you Lord

3. Infant Jesus: Bless our home; may we, your children, enjoy the blessings of our elders in our faithfulness to them; we pray to the Lord

4. Infant Jesus: Bless our home, may we enjoy perfect health and happiness as we honour you more and more: We pray to the lord

5. Infant Jesus: Bless our home: may all who enter here find Your love, Your joy, and Your life lived to the full; We pray to the Lord.

Our Father...

Let us pray

Jesus we thank You for hearing our prayers and blessing our home; may we always and everywhere remain faithful to You and experience Your mercy: We ask this in Your name.

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Holy Trinity Church
(Infant Jesus Shrine)

Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

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