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Dedicated to Infant Jesus










Holy Trinity Church

(Infant Jesus Shrine)


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Loving Jesus we accept You as the Lord of our home. We promise You total obedience. May Your word be the norm of our lives; we consecrate our moments to praise You, our hearts to love You, our lives to live for You, our thoughts to think of You, our words to declare Your wonders.

Grant us now and always the virtues of Your Infancy, give us the treasure of Your humanity, the fragrance of Your love, the simplicity of Your obedience.

Take then our lives and make them like Your own; without You we are nothing, We can do nothing; Your grace is sufficient, give it to us always in abundance.

May Your name be praised, glorified honoured and loved by each one of us today and forever more.

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Holy Trinity Church
(Infant Jesus Shrine)

Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

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